WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation
This WaveDriver® 40 Workstation is an affordable bipotentiostat/galvanostat, dual-electrode electrochemical workstation available in a variety of configurations. Under the control of our powerful AfterMath® Blue software package, the WaveDriver 40 Workstation is capable of performing a wide range of single and dual electrode DC electroanalytical techniques. The WaveDriver 40 features a true integrated bipotentiostat, capable of controlling one or two working electrodes operating in the same electrochemical cell along with a counter and reference electrode, making this instrument ideal for Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE) voltammetry.
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This WaveDriver® 40 Workstation is an affordable bipotentiostat/galvanostat, dual-electrode electrochemical workstation available in a variety of configurations. Under the control of our powerful AfterMath® Blue software package, the WaveDriver 40 Workstation is capable of performing a wide range of single and dual electrode DC electroanalytical techniques. The WaveDriver 40 features a true integrated bipotentiostat, capable of controlling one or two working electrodes operating in the same electrochemical cell along with a counter and reference electrode, making this instrument ideal for Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE) voltammetry.