WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation

Part Number

This WaveDriver® series bipotentiostat/galvanostat is an affordable dual-electrode electrochemical workstation available in a variety of configurations.. Under the control of our powerful AfterMath® Blue software package, the WaveDriver 40 DC Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat is capable of performing a wide range of single and dual electrode DC electroanalytical techniques. The WaveDriver 40 is a true integrated bipotentiostat, capable of controlling one or two working electrodes operating in the same electrochemical cell along with a counter and reference electrode, making this instrument ideal for Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE) voltammetry.

Electrode Connections
Counter electrode
Drive line with grounded shield
Reference electrode
Sense line with driven shield
Working electrode #1 (WK1)
Separate sense and drive lines, each with driven shield (current measurement via passive shunt)
Working electrode #2 (WK2)
Separate sense and drive lines, each with driven shield (current measurement via transimpedance amplifier)
Working electrode channels
Measured Current
AC accuracy
AC leakage current
ADC input
16 bits
Current ranges (measured and applied)
DC accuracy (measured and applied)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
Filters (for DC Experiments)
1 kHz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 100 kHz, 30 Hz
Practical current range
20 pA to 1 A
Current Resolution at each range (applied and measured)
3.13 nA, 3.13 pA, 3.13 µA, 31.3 nA, 31.3 pA, 31.3 µA, 313 nA, 313 pA
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