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Reference Electrode Storage Vessel, Standard

Part Number

This is a storage vessel for standard size (9.5 mm OD) reference electrodes.  It is a borosilicate, Erlenmeyer-style flask with a volume of 125 mL and a 14/20 taper glass joint at the top where the PTFE adapter sold with Pine Research standard size reference electrodes can be inserted.

When storing a reference electrode, fill the storage vessel with the identical electrolyte found in the outermost filling solution of the reference electrode being stored.  Fill the level in the vessel high enough so that the frit of the reference electrode can be fully immersed in solution.  This will ensure the reference electrode frit remains wetted at all times, and no appreciable diffusion occurs across the frit due to the identical ionic strength and electrolyte composition on both sides.

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This is a storage vessel for standard size (9.5 mm OD) reference electrodes.  It is a borosilicate, Erlenmeyer-style flask with a volume of 125 mL and a 14/20 taper glass joint at the top where the PTFE adapter sold with Pine Research standard size reference electrodes can be inserted.

When storing a reference electrode, fill the storage vessel with the identical electrolyte found in the outermost filling solution of the reference electrode being stored.  Fill the level in the vessel high enough so that the frit of the reference electrode can be fully immersed in solution.  This will ensure the reference electrode frit remains wetted at all times, and no appreciable diffusion occurs across the frit due to the identical ionic strength and electrolyte composition on both sides.

Document #
Reference Electrode Storage and Master Reference Electrodes
Overview of Reference Electrode Operation and Alternative Reference Electrodes