Reference Electrode Storage Vessel Kit, OpenTop
This storage vessel is designed to be filled with an appropriate electrolyte solution (total volume = 500 mL) which keeps the reference electrode junction (frit) wetted when not in use. The removable PTFElid has six side ports (14/20), each of which may be used to vertically orient and mount a standard size reference electrode (9.5 mm OD). The center port (14/20) may be used to mount a “laboratory master” reference electrode, which is typically kept separate and not used in any electrochemical experiments. This “master” reference electrode functions as a constant potential with which to check the accuracy of remaining reference electrodes of the same type. A set of PTFEstoppers for all ports is also included.
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This storage vessel is designed to be filled with an appropriate electrolyte solution (total volume = 500 mL) which keeps the reference electrode junction (frit) wetted when not in use. The removable PTFElid has six side ports (14/20), each of which may be used to vertically orient and mount a standard size reference electrode (9.5 mm OD). The center port (14/20) may be used to mount a “laboratory master” reference electrode, which is typically kept separate and not used in any electrochemical experiments. This “master” reference electrode functions as a constant potential with which to check the accuracy of remaining reference electrodes of the same type. A set of PTFEstoppers for all ports is also included.