Reference Electrode Storage Vessel, LowProfile
This is a simple solution to Low Profile reference electrode storage. The borosilicate glass vessel with amberized coating (to protect electrode elements from UV light) holds up to 20 mL of appropriate electrolyte solution (typically saturated KCl). The storage vessel cap is made of white polypropylene with a closure lining made of PTFE faced silicon with an appropriately sized hole, into which the Low Profile reference electrode can be inserted. The cap minimizes solvent evaporation and salt formation inside the vessel. Always store the junction (frit) in electrolyte between uses.
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This is a simple solution to Low Profile reference electrode storage. The borosilicate glass vessel with amberized coating (to protect electrode elements from UV light) holds up to 20 mL of appropriate electrolyte solution (typically saturated KCl). The storage vessel cap is made of white polypropylene with a closure lining made of PTFE faced silicon with an appropriately sized hole, into which the Low Profile reference electrode can be inserted. The cap minimizes solvent evaporation and salt formation inside the vessel. Always store the junction (frit) in electrolyte between uses.