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Workshops are fun, educational, engaging opportunities to teach specialized electrochemical skills and theory, which can supplement traditional curricular and laboratory instruction, such as that found in college courses.  Workshops are a collaborative effort between Pine Research and electrochemical experts, such as College/University faculty.  Read more to learn about the important aspects of hosting a workshop with Pine Research.

Pine Research Provides Instruments

  • Electrochemical workstations with laptops, rotators
  • UV/Vis Spectrometers for spectroelectrochemistry
  • Electrodes and electrochemical cells
  • Accessories (O-rings, adapters, cables, other widgets)

Pine Research Can Lecture on Topics

  • Fundamental Electrochemistry
  • Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
  • Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
  • Practical Aspects of Experimental Electrochemistry
  • How Potentiostats work
  • What is iR Compensation and how it is used
  • Cyclic Voltammetry Simulation
  • UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemistry
  • Rotating Disk and Rotating Ring-Disk Electrochemistry

Pine Research can Build and Host Website

  • Create workshop landing page
  • Maintain workshop schedule and details
  • Accept registrations
  • Host documents and downloads for workshop
  • We do not collect registration fees, that is left to the host institution

The host (you) has Responsibilities

  • Acquires required and appropriate permissions from University and Department
  • Reserves and Secures adequate lecture room(s) and laboratory space(s)
  • Develops schedule including pedagogy, laboratory exercises, data analysis, etc. (in consultation wtih Pine Research)
  • Responsible for the assessment and collection of any money (e.g., registration fees)
  • Manages any housing, transportation, and meals (in consultation with Pine Research, if information is to be hosted on the Pine Research webinar page)
  • Acquires and disposes of all chemicals
  • Purchases, or makes available, additional required resources (e.g., balances, gloves, lab coats, gases like nitrogen, etc.)