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Check out what’s new at the 231st ECS in New Orleans, LA!

by | May 25, 2017 | Uncategorized

Since we saw you last in Hawaii, Pine Research has been very busy developing new products, improving our website, welcoming Dr. Reducks’ Post-Duck to the family, and as always, working hard to be the trusted source for electrochemical instrumentation you have come to expect.  Fifty years after our entrance into the electrochemical instrumentation market, we are still eager to stay current (pun intended) with your ever-evolving research needs.

Pine Research Instrumentation is looking forward to the upcoming ECS Meeting in New Orleans, LA. We will be exhibiting Tuesday through Thursday, May 30 – June 1 at Booth 313. We hope you stop by the booth to visit with us and check out what’s new in 2017!

WaveVortex Electrode Rotator

WaveVortex Electrode Rotator

As the world’s leading provider of electrode rotators, you know you can trust our 50 year expertise when it comes to electrode rotation. The WaveVortex includes a shaft and is compatible with the 15 mm RDE and RRDE electrodes you likely already have in the lab! The WaveVortex complements our line of electrode rotators and we think you are going to like it.  See it in person at the booth!

EChem in a Box


EChem in a Box contains all the instrumentation, tools, accessories, instructor’s resource guide, and videos needed to effectively teach experimental electrochemistry. Never before has a more straightforward and cost-effective bundle of products been commercially available to make electrochemistry so accessible.  While we electrochemists’ would love for there to be more laboratory courses in modern collegiate curriculum dedicated to experimental electrochemistry, it does not seem to be the academic trend. The trend is actually removal of electrochemical-based labs from the curriculum.  We developed EChem in a Box to help change this trajectory by lowering the barriers to entry and providing instructors with easy to implement laboratory exercises and the instrumentation necessary to perform them.