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WaveDriver Potentiostat: Introduction

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Uncategorized

[call_to_action color = “blue”] wavedriver_tinylogo.jpg
This article is part of the Pine WaveDriver Potentiostat User's Guide[/call_to_action]

Scope of this Guide

This User's Guide describes the basic functions of the WaveDriver 10 potentiostat/galvanostat and the WaveDriver 20 bipotentiostat/galvanostat systems, including product specifications and limitations, product warranty, proper electrical connections, and other technical information.

This guide deals primarily with initial installation of the WaveDriver system and proper connections from the potentiostat to an electrochemical cell. Because the WaveDriver is primarily controlled using software, it is important to read and understand the following guides pertaining to Pine's AfterMath Data Organizer software:

This guide is written for the professional scientist or engineer (or student of science and engineering) and assumes a basic knowledge of scientific measurement and data presentation. Portions of this manual devoted to electrochemical concepts assume some familiarity with the subject of electrochemistry.