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Electrochemical Techniques

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Uncategorized

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      This article is part of the AfterMath Data Organizer Electrochemistry Guide[/call_to_action]

This webpage provides a list of all of the electroanalytical techniques presently supported by the AfterMath software package. Whether or not a particular technique is available on your system depends upon your licensing agreement with Pine Research Instrumentation and also depends upon the capabilities of the particular potentiostat model that you own.

[toggle title = “Common Potentiostatic Methods”]
[/toggle] [toggle title = “Common Galvanostatic Methods”] [/toggle] [toggle title = “Potential Step Methods”] [/toggle] [toggle title = “Potential Pulse Methods”] [/toggle] [toggle title = “Rotating Electrode Methods”]
[/toggle] [toggle title = “Potentiometry Methods”] [/toggle] [toggle title = “Additional Resources”] [/toggle]