Pine Research Features Neuroelectrochemistry and other New Products at 232nd ECS in National Harbor, MD

Pine Research Features Neuroelectrochemistry and other New Products at 232nd ECS in National Harbor, MD

by | Sep 27, 2017 | Uncategorized

The 232nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society is in National Harbor, MD, USA between October 1-5, 2017, and Pine Research will be showing off some new products at booths 403/502!  We encourage you to stop by, chat with our friendly electrochemists, and check out what’s going on with Pine Research recently!

Neuroelectrochemistry:  Come see our brand new WaveNeuro DUO – the next fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) potentiostat evolution!  This two-channel FSCV potentiostat has an integrated breakout board for added convenience, and can perform FSCV experiments up to 5000 V/s.

In addition to the WaveNeuro DUO, check out our newly-designed neuroelectrochemistry flow cell on display at the booth.  Our expanding neuroelectrochemistry product line is sure to meet your research needs!

EChem in a Box:  Our all-in-one educational electrochemistry bundle EChem in a Box is perfect for those looking to introduce electrochemistry into the classroom, or implement an electrochemistry module with existing curriculum.  EChem in a Box comes with a portable potentiostat, software, screen-printed electrodes, cells, cables, accessories, and educational materials including laboratory exercises, an educator’s book on experimental electrochemistry, and videos.

Educational Electrochemistry Equipment

WaveVortex Rotator:  Our newest electrode rotator, the WaveVortex, will be on display at our booth, so come take a look!  Compatible with any existing 15 mm OD RDE and RRDE electrodes manufactured by Pine Research, the WaveVortex provides a small footprint and affordable price for those needing to do RDE or RRDE studies.

Finally, enjoy the next episode in our Dr. Reducks miniseries.  See you at ECS!