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What’s Going on with Pine Research at ECS PRiME 2016?

by | Sep 23, 2016 | Uncategorized


Before you catch that surf, drink out of that coconut, bronze that body, or laze at the luau, stop by the Pine Research Booth at the ECS PRiME exhibition!  Visit with Marion, Li, and Neil at the booth.  Say hello, inquire about instrumentation, and update us on your recent successes!  We truly enjoy interacting with you.  As usual, we have some fun things going on at the booth in Hawaii…

Dr. Reducks’ hires some lab help – welcome his new Post-Duck!

If you have been following Dr. Reducks, you  know he has been very busy visiting all 50 states this year.  The tour has been very good, but it leaves the lab without a leader.  Dr. Reducks, quite insistent that his lab have a strong leader, searched far and wide for the ideal candidate.  We are pleased to announce that Dr. Reducks’ new Post-Duck will be at the booth.  Let the quackery continue!  Stop by the Pine Research booth, answer a short survey, and take a Post-Duck home with you!  You can take the survey on your mobile device or on paper at the booth.  Show the survey confirmation, and Marion, Neil, or Li will give you a Post-Duck.  Be one of the first to get one – he is brand new!

Take the survey before you get to the booth and save the confirmation page.  Use your mobile device QR code reader, now: ecs_prime_2016_survey_qr

Limited Edition ECS Trading Cards – get them while they last!

You might have seen them at ECS San Diego, but in case you missed out, this is probably your last change to add the limited edition trading cards to your collection.  In honor of the Rotating Ring-Disk (RRDE) Semicentennial Celebration of Albery’s first seven papers describing the technique that were published in 1965, we tried to embody their inspiration in trading card form.


New Pine Research Website!

We have slowly been releasing parts of the new website here and there, but we are excited to announce that the new website is here!  Update your bookmarks to include  You will find a much more dynamic website, chocked full of appropriately-placed content, and now mobile-device friendly!  Further, you are able to review previously placed online orders in your account – something you could not do in the past.

To view your discounted pricing, you must create an account and login to  Then, the prices you see includes your discount, as appropriate.  No longer do we show list price and discounted price. Please let us know if you have any questions.


Do not forget Dr. Reducks and the Chemists 50 States Tour and ECS Meeting Special Offer!

Dr. Reducks and the Chemists have been very busy on their tour, visiting 33 of 50 US States! If you have missed Dr. Reducks and the Chemists in your state – there is still time!  Read our post about the 50 States Tour and get in on the action!


Also, we are offering a special ECS Meeting offer!  From now until October 31, 2016, we are giving 20% off all potentiostats!  This offer cannot be combined with other offers and order must be made by the posted deadline.  Simply contact us and request a quote for your new WaveNow series or WaveDriver series potentiostat with the “ECS MEETING OFFER” included.