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Dr. Reducks and the Chemists – 50 States Tour!

by | May 12, 2016 | Uncategorized

50States_spalsh1 Dr. Reducks and the Chemists will be visiting all fifty states in the USA this year. He will be reaching out to the electrochemically-minded folks across the country to check in on their research, how Pine Research products are working for them, and to ensure they have the Pine Research Instrumentation that is needed.  Check his tour schedule below.

If you did not have a chance to see Dr. Reducks and the chemists while they were in their state, contact Dr. Reducks to see if his tour manager can arrange an encore visit to your state!

50StatesTourDates Pine Research is organizing several unique activities and events at the 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego, so be sure to:

  • Visit the exhibition booth(#416 and #317) where to check out new products, follow up with Pine Research staff on existing products, and figure out what electrochemical instrumentation your lab needs next.
  • Dr. Li Sun, an electrochemist with Pine Research Instrumentation, teaches an ECS Short Course, entitled: Hydrodynamic Electrochemistry Using Rotating Electrodes.  Make sure to sign up early!
  • Attend the L02 – Electrocatalysis Symposium, sponsored by Pine Research.
  • Celebrate the RRDE semicentennial with us at the RRDE Semicentennial Celebration Reception and with and special edition ECS Scientific Trading Cards (available only at our booth)