The older model analog bipotentiostats offered by Pine Instrument Company (part numbers AFRDE3, AFRDE4, AFRDE5, and AFCBP1) used the following color scheme. Note that on the AFCBP1 the electrode connections are located along the right side of the front panel. On the earlier models (AFRDE3, AFRDE4, and AFRDE5), the electrode connections were located along the bottom-left of the front panel.
All of the traditional analog bipotentiostats offered by Pine Instrument Company featured a built-in, true analog sweep generator. Additional output signals on the front panels of these instruments permitted the sweep generator and/or the current and voltage signals from either electrode to be used to drive a classic XY pen plotter. These connections appear along the bottom of the front panel of these instruments.
The older model MSR rotators (part numbers AFMSRX and AFMSRXE) used the following color scheme.