There are a variety of interface boards available for use with the CBP bipotentiostat system. When using our AfterMath software to control the bipotentiostat, Pine generally recommends using a 16-bit interface board because these boards produce higher resolution digital waveforms. This higher resolution is especially important when using sweep voltammetry to study surface-bound electrochemical processes (see reference at end of this article).
When using our older PineChem software to control the bipotentiostat, either a 12-bit or a 16-bit board may be used. PineChem uses the true analog sweep generator within the bipotentiostat to generate waveforms, and the resolution (12 bit vs. 16 bit) of the interface board is less of an issue. It is very important to use the correct version of the NIDAQ device driver software when using these boards with PineChem or AfterMath.
CBP Bipotentiostat owners in need of a new interface board are encouraged to order an interface board directly from National Instruments. A summary page providing details and pricing can be found on the National Instruments website at the following link:
16-bit M-Series (PCI)
16-bit E-Series (PCI)
12-bit E-Series (PCI)
AfterMath* only
AfterMath* or PineChem
AfterMath* or PineChem
* AfterMath version 1.5 or earlier must be used with the CBP Bipotentiostat. Newer versions of AfterMath do not support the CBP Bipotentiostat.
Additional information about obsolete and unofficial interface boards is discussed below.