WaveNow Potentiostat

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WaveNow USB Potentiostat / Galvanostat
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When possible, we add published articles, theses and dissertations, and books to our references library. When we know this product has been used, we will include it in this list below. If you have a reference where our product was used and it's not in this list, please contact us with the details and we will add it.
  1. Rajesh and Kumawat Designing a heavy metal electrochemical sensor for Pb detection in water—A generalized approach for electrochemical sensing using low-cost materials. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2024, n/a, .
  2. Ball and Brosseau Targeting Antibiotic Pollution: An Investigation of Azithromycin in Wastewater by Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2024, Just-IN, .
  3. Jenks, Tyler Christian. The Effects of Coordination Environment on the Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Properties of Divalent Lanthanides. Ph.D. Dissertation, Wayne State University (Detroit, MI), 2020.
  4. McDarmont et al. Exploiting a C–F Activation Strategy to Generate Novel Tris(pyrazolyl)methane Ligands. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2024, 646, 1886-1891.
  5. Fleischmann et al. Interlayer separation in hydrogen titanates enables electrochemical proton intercalation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 8, 412-421.
  6. McGuire, Ashlyn. When a Hemoglobin Acts as a Catalytic Enzyme: Mechanistic Studies of Dehaloperoxidase. Ph.D. Dissertation, North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC), 2020.
  7. A. Hughes et al. Physical characteristics of capacitive carbons derived from the electrolytic reduction of alkali metal carbonate molten salts. RSC Advances, 2024, 9, 36771-36787.
  8. Piechota, Eric. Fundamental insights into electron transfer reactions of cyclometalated ruthenium donor-bridge-acceptor compounds. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC), 2019.
  9. Roth, Hudson. INVESTIGATIONS TOWARD THE APPLICATION OF ORGANIC PHOTOREDOX CATALYSIS TO THE SYNTHESIS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC), 2019.
  10. Brady, Matthew. Fundamental Insights into Dye-Sensitized Interfaces for Solar Fuels Production. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC), 2019.
  11. McLeod et al. On the origin of electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (EC-SERS) signals for bacterial samples: the importance of filtered control studies in the development of new bacterial screening platforms - Analytical Methods (RSC Publishing). Analytical Methods, 2024, 11, 924-929.
  12. Pazdzior et al. Low reduction potential cytochrome b5 isotypes of Giardia intestinalis. Experimental Parasitology, 2024, 157, 197-201.
  13. Niepa et al. Controlling Pseudomonas aeruginosa persister cells by weak electrochemical currents and synergistic effects with tobramycin. Biomaterials, 2024, 33, 7356–7365.
  14. Rahaman et al. Proton reduction by phosphinidene-capped triiron clusters. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2021, 943, 121816.
  15. Hernández et al. Development of a New Voltammetric Methodology for the Determination of Ciprofloxacin in Beef Samples Using a Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with Nafion and Fullerenes. Electroanalysis, 2021, 33, .
  16. Qing et al. Electrochemical ammonia removal and disinfection of aquaculture wastewater using batch and flow reactors incorporating PtRu/graphite anode and graphite cathode. Aquacultural Engineering, 2021, 93, 102155.
  17. Nyyssölä et al. Production of Endotoxin-Free Microbial Biomass for Food Applications by Gas Fermentation of Gram-Positive H2-Oxidizing Bacteria. ACS Food Science & Technology, 2021, 1, 470-479.
  18. Wang et al. Hydroxypyridinone-based stabilization of Np(IV) enabling efficient U/Np/Pu separations in the Adapted PUREX process. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 259, 118178.
  19. Lin et al. Unzipping chemical bonds of non-layered bulk structures to form ultrathin nanocrystals. Matter, 2021, 4, 955-968.
  20. Goes et al. Deriving the Turnover Frequency of Aminoxyl-Catalyzed Alcohol Oxidation by Chronoamperometry: An Introduction to Organic Electrocatalysis. Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 98, 600-606.
  21. Viola and Andrew An Aqueous Eutectic Electrolyte for Low-Cost, Safe Energy Storage with an Operational Temperature Range of 150 °C, from −70 to 80 °C. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 246-251.
  22. Bargigia et al. Charge-Transfer Intermediates in the Electrochemical Doping Mechanism of Conjugated Polymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 294-308.
  23. Chavez et al. High sensitivity of flexible graphene composites decorated with V2O5 microbelts for NO2 detection. Materials Research Bulletin, 2021, 133, 111052.
  24. Mitchell et al. Intermittent light studies to investigate electron mobility in dye-sensitized solar cells. Solar Energy, 2021, 213, 36-42.
  25. Garcia et al. Effect of Bismuth Dopant on the Photocatalytic Properties of SrTiO3 Under Solar Irradiation. Topics in Catalysis, 2021, 64, 155-166.
  26. Liu et al. Solution-Based Synthesis of Sulvanite Cu3TaS4 and Cu3TaSe4 Nanocrystals. Crystals, 2021, 11, 51.
  27. Saladin and Maroncelli Electron Transfer Kinetics between an Electron-Accepting Ionic Liquid and Coumarin Dyes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2020, 124, 11431-11445.
  28. Liu et al. Cascade synthesis and optoelectronic applications of intermediate bandgap Cu3VSe4 nanosheets. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 21679.
  29. Lopez-Medina et al. Enhancing the capacity and discharge times of flexible graphene batteries by decorating their anodes with magnetic alloys NiMnMx (Mx=Ga, In, Sn). Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 256, 123660.
  30. Perez-Gonzalez et al. All solid state stretchable carbon nanotube based supercapacitors with controllable output voltage. Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 32, 101844.
  31. Treviño et al. Robust Carbon-Based Electrodes for Hydrogen Evolution through Site-Selective Covalent Attachment of an Artificial Metalloenzyme. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3, 11099-11112.
  32. Chen et al. Activity Origins and Design Principles of Nickel-Based Catalysts for Nucleophile Electrooxidation. Chem, 2020, 6, 2974-2993.
  33. Homayounfar et al. Multimodal Smart Eyewear for Longitudinal Eye Movement Tracking. Matter, 2020, 3, 1275-1293.
  34. Kessinger et al. The effect of inner-sphere reorganization on charge separated state lifetimes at sensitized TiO2 interfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 153, 124711.
  35. Wang et al. Compositions and Formation Mechanisms of Solid-Electrolyte-Interphase (SEI) on Microporous Carbon/Sulfur Cathodes. Chemistry of Materials, 2020, , .
  36. Wijesinghe et al. Battery-powered distance-based electrochemical sensor using a longitudinally-oriented silver band electrode. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 308, 127684.
  37. Oh et al. Fabrication of Large Area Ag Gas Diffusion Electrode via Electrodeposition for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction. Coatings, 2020, 10, 341.
  38. Nguyen et al. Is Indenyl a Stronger or Weaker Electron Donor Ligand than Cyclopentadienyl? Opposing Effects of Indenyl Electron Density and Ring Slipping on Electrochemical Potentials. Organometallics, 2020, 39, 670-678.
  39. Madrigal et al. Cross-linking of DNA monolayers by cisplatin examined using electrostatic denaturation. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 860, 113762.
  40. Jenks et al. Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Trends in Divalent Lanthanides through Modulation of Coordination Environment. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 2613-2620.
  41. Mtz-Enriquez et al. Tailoring the detection sensitivity of graphene based flexible smoke sensors by decorating with ceramic microparticles. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 305, 127466.
  42. Pallares et al. Selective Lanthanide Sensing with Gold Nanoparticles and Hydroxypyridinone Chelators. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 2030-2036.
  43. Carpenter et al. Structure and redox properties of the diheme electron carrier cytochrome c4 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2020, 203, 110889.
  44. Balaraman et al. Electrochemical studies of cobalt(II) diphenylazodioxide complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2020, 501, 119277.
  45. Dupont et al. In Situ Investigation of the Electrodeposition Mechanism of Manganese Dioxide from a Citrate Electrolyte: The Effect of Intermediate Stabilization on Material Morphology. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167, 040520.
  46. McLoughlin et al. Electrocatalytic Alcohol Oxidation with Iron-Based Acceptorless Alcohol Dehydrogenation Catalyst. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 1453-1460.
  47. Wang et al. Noninvasive Control of Bacterial Biofilms by Wireless Electrostimulation. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2020, 6, 727-738.
  48. Hughes et al. Optimized Electrolytic Carbon and Electrolyte Systems for Electrochemical Capacitors. ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7, 266-282.
  49. Liu et al. Development of Disposable Single-Use Biosensor for Fructosyl Valine and Glycated Hemoglobin A1c. Journal of Sensor Technology, 2019, 09, 45.
  50. Müller et al. Inhibiting Charge Recombination in cis-Ru(NCS)2 Diimine Sensitizers with Aromatic Substituents. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 43223-43234.
  51. Acharya et al. Chemical Structure of Fe–Ni Nanoparticles for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysis. ACS Omega, 2019, 4, 17209-17222.
  52. Ouellette et al. Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Based on Functionalized Electrodes. Coatings, 2019, 9, 496.
  53. Kim et al. Studies on lysozyme modifications induced by substituted p-benzoquinones. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2019, 85, 386-398.
  54. Shao et al. Electroreductive dechlorination of γ-Hexachlorocyclohexane catalyzed by Rh2(dpf)4 in nonaqueous media, where dpf=N,N′-Diphenylformamidinate (1-) ion. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 837, 208-218.
  55. Rahaman et al. Chalcogenide-capped triiron clusters [Fe3(CO)93-E)2], [Fe3(CO)73-CO)(μ3-E)(μ-dppm)] and [Fe3(CO)73-E)2(μ-dppm)] (E = S, Se) as proton-reduction catalysts. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2019, 880, 213-222.
  56. King et al. Physical properties, ligand substitution reactions, and biological activity of Co(III)-Schiff base complexes. Dalton Transactions, 2019, , .
  57. Ho, Denny. Detection and Melting of Surface-Bound DNA using a Purely Electrochemical Approach. Master's Thesis, University of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA), 2018-12-14.
  58. Kellett et al. Resolving orbital pathways for intermolecular electron transfer. Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4916.
  59. Bindesri et al. Development of an electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (EC-SERS) fabric-based plasmonic sensor for point-of-care diagnostics. Analyst, 2018, 143, 4128-4135.
  60. Mughal et al. All-electrodeposited p-Cu2ZnSnS4/n-In2S3 Heterojunction Formation for Solar Cell Applications. 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) (A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC 34th EU PVSEC), 2018, , 142–147.
  61. Brown et al. Detection of the Short-Lived Radical Cation Intermediate in the Electrooxidation of N,N -Dimethylaniline by Mass Spectrometry. Angewandte Chemie, 2015, 127, 11335–11337.
  62. Zhao et al. Quantitative Detection of Uric Acid by Electrochemical-Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Using a Multilayered Au/Ag Substrate. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 441-447.
  63. Harroun et al. Electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (E-SERS) of novel biodegradable ionic liquids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15, 19205-19212.
  64. Brown-Xu et al. Modulating the M2δ-to-ligand charge transfer transition by the use of diarylboron substituents. Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 14491-14497.
  65. Singh et al. Iron complexes of tris(4-nitrophenyl)corrole, with emphasis on the (nitrosyl)iron complex. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2012, 16, 663–673.
  66. Mahammed et al. Effect of bromination on the electrochemistry, frontier orbitals, and spectroscopy of metallocorroles. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2011, 15, 1275–1286.
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