Universal Specialty Cell Connection Kit

Part Number

This kit allows users to connect any potentiostat to a variety of Pine Research Specialty Cells.  Several cells interface to the electrodes via a mini-USB style connector.  This kit enables users to connect their standard cell cable to a small circuit board, then connect the circuit board to the cell connector easily.  The kit provides standard three electrode (working, counter, and reference) and two electrode (working, counter|reference) connections, clearly labeled on either side of the board.  The kit includes the circuit board and 1 m USB A to Mini-B cable.  This connection kit is useful for interfacing any potentiostat to the following specialty cells:

[alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]This product replaces the Mini-USB Cell Cable (generic) [RRPECBL2].  Pine Research offers dedicated cell cables for their WaveDriver and WaveNow series potentiostats, which connect the cell cable port and terminate in mini-USB.[/alert]

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