Virtually Student-Proof. Perfect for the undergraduate lab, our innovative cell design gives your students a rapid way to set up an electrochemical cell without all that hassle of polishing electrodes, tending to reference electrodes, and chasing countless cables around the lab bench.
Incredibly Low Cost Electrodes. Single use, screen-printed electrode designs are available in quantity packaging at a fraction of the cost of more traditional electrode designs. Use them one time and then just throw them away.
Custom Cap and Cable.Our unique cap design couples an edge card connector with a compact cable connection (it's actually just like the mini-USB connector on your digital camera). The cap fits on to everyday, ordinary disposable 20 mL lab vials.
Ideal for Teaching Cyclic Voltammetry. In an instructional setting, we recommend using our screen-printed carbon electrodes with a well-behaved, reversible electrochemical system.
Works with Any Potentiostat.The Universal Specialty Cell Connection Kit (included) is compatible with any potentiostat. Note that our instructional cell is available as part of our academic WaveNowXVpotentiostat bundle.
Pine Research Cell Cable Color Code
- RED - working (drive) electrode
- ORANGE - working (sense) electrode
- GREEN - counter electrode
- WHITE- reference electrode