Counter Electrode, Platinum (Pt) Coil, 14/20
This Platinum Counter Electrode features a 6.9 mm OD epoxy handle, which terminates with a coil of 0.5 mm Platinum wire (approximate surface area = 4.7 cm²). This counter electrode is ideally designed for use with our Standard volume electrochemical cells, but is not limited to use in these cells. Customers who have no desire for the fritted isolation tube should consider this Platinum coil counter electrode. This counter electrode is also available as part of the Platinum counter electrode assembly.
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This Platinum Counter Electrode features a 6.9 mm OD epoxy handle, which terminates with a coil of 0.5 mm Platinum wire (approximate surface area = 4.7 cm²). This counter electrode is ideally designed for use with our Standard volume electrochemical cells, but is not limited to use in these cells. Customers who have no desire for the fritted isolation tube should consider this Platinum coil counter electrode. This counter electrode is also available as part of the Platinum counter electrode assembly.