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    Rotating Cylinder Cell, OpenTop, 15 mm RCE, 3 L Volume, No Recess Cup (Cell Only)

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    This OpenTop Cell has been designed as a general purpose electrochemical cell.  This product includes only the cell – accessories are listed separately.  All other parts required to perform electrochemical experiments will require additional instrumentation.  This cell might be purchased to augment an existing system.  Features of this cell include:

    • 3 liter glass cell
    • all parts are compatible and assemble to create a closed system (accessories sold separately)

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]A standard set of accessories for corrosion studies includes: glass cell, OpenTop lid, 8 MutaPort Adapters, 7 PTFE stoppers, 3 lid clamps, and a ribbon clamp and crossjoint.  This cell does not include RCE electrode, rotator, counter or reference electrodes, or other accessories.[/alert]

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]NOTE: this cell may not be desirable for certain RCE corrosion experiments due to lack of recess cup to aid in alignment.[/alert]

    This OpenTop Cell has been designed as a general purpose electrochemical cell.  This product includes only the cell – accessories are listed separately.  All other parts required to perform electrochemical experiments will require additional instrumentation.  This cell might be purchased to augment an existing system.  Features of this cell include:

    • 3 liter glass cell
    • all parts are compatible and assemble to create a closed system (accessories sold separately)

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]A standard set of accessories for corrosion studies includes: glass cell, OpenTop lid, 8 MutaPort Adapters, 7 PTFE stoppers, 3 lid clamps, and a ribbon clamp and crossjoint.  This cell does not include RCE electrode, rotator, counter or reference electrodes, or other accessories.[/alert]

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]NOTE: this cell may not be desirable for certain RCE corrosion experiments due to lack of recess cup to aid in alignment.[/alert]

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    [call_to_action color="blue" button_text="  Reference Electrodes" button_url="https://dev-tim.pineresearch.com/devnewtheme/shop/products/electrodes-2/reference-electrodes/standard-95mmod/standard-9-5-mm-od/" button_icon="plus-circle" button_icon_position="left" layout="vertical"] Reference electrode is not included with this cell.  Please purchase a reference electrode separately![/call_to_action][call_to_action color="green" button_text=" Complete 15 mm RCE Kits" button_url="https://dev-tim.pineresearch.com/devnewtheme/shop/product-category/corrosion-products/complete-15mm-rce-kits/" button_icon="link" button_icon_position="left" layout="vertical"] This cell does not include the 15 mm RCE electrode, rotator, counter electrode, dual gas inlet, Luggin tube, or Gas-purged Bearing Assembly.  Click the button for these options included in our Complete RCE Kits section.[/call_to_action]

    This OpenTop Cell has been designed as a general purpose electrochemical cell.  This product includes only the cell - accessories are listed separately.  All other parts required to perform electrochemical experiments will require additional instrumentation.  This cell might be purchased to augment an existing system.

    Three Liter Cell. With an overall two liter capacity, the cell features a removable lid with six flexible side ports.  You can equip your cell with a variety of accessories (condenser, pH measurement, thermowell, each sold separately) while still having enough ports for the reference and counter electrode.  Cells with drain valves and water jackets may also be available upon request. Alignment. Unlike other standard OpenTop cells sold by Pine Research, this version does not contain a recess cup at the bottom.  This modification is was added upon customer request for cases where alignment with a recess cup is undesirable.  Using this cell for RCE corrosion studies may be more difficult due to the lack of recess cup to aid in alignment.