Rotating Disk/Ring-Disk Standard Volume Cell Kit Component: Revised Cell with Same Side Hose Barbs (Cell Only)
This standard 150 mL cell features five round glass ports. The center port (24/25) is large enough to easily accommodate the shaft of a rotating disk or ring-disk electrode. The four side necks are smaller (14/20) and can be used to mount reference and counter electrodes and other accessories. This cell is also available as part of a kit, Rotating Disk/Ring-Disk Cell Kit, Standard Volume, Water Jacket, which includes gas sparging/purging/venting accessories and stoppers.
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This standard 150 mL cell features five round glass ports. The center port (24/25) is large enough to easily accommodate the shaft of a rotating disk or ring-disk electrode. The four side necks are smaller (14/20) and can be used to mount reference and counter electrodes and other accessories. This cell is also available as part of a kit, Rotating Disk/Ring-Disk Cell Kit, Standard Volume, Water Jacket, which includes gas sparging/purging/venting accessories and stoppers.