Fritted Isolation Tube

Part Number

Glass tube with frit and 14/20 mount useful for further isolating single junction reference electrodes.  The glass frit at the bottom of the tube is an ACE D frit with 10 – 20 µm diameter pores.  This tube allows a single junction reference electrode to function effectively as a double junction reference electrode.

Both items in the pricing table below need to be purchased to enable mounting of the fritted glass tube into a 14/20 port found in many of our standard electrochemical cells.

Glass tube with frit and 14/20 mount useful for further isolating single junction reference electrodes.  The glass frit at the bottom of the tube is an ACE D frit with 10 - 20 µm diameter pores. Our standard single junction reference electrodes can be mounted inside the isolation tube.  The isolation tube (filled with an appropriate electrolyte solution) may then be mounted into one of our standard electrochemical cells.  This is a quick way to effectively use one of our single junction reference electrodes as if it were a double junction reference electrode.  One application where this approach can be particularly useful if there is concern that chloride ions from the reference electrode may contaminate the main test solution.
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