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    Includes Free 1-Hour Training Session!
    All orders including a potentiostat include a free, 1-hour, personal training session (virtual, online) to help get you started with your new potentiostat. New customers should contact us after purchased to schedule this session.

    If you need to introduce your students to modern electroanalytical chemistry in an easy and inexpensive way, then EChem in a Box contains exactly what you need.  EChem in a Box contains everything you need to integrate a variety of experimental electrochemistry topics into your curriculum.  Never before has a more straightforward and cost effective bundle of products been commercially available to make electrochemistry accessible to even non-electrochemically experienced educators.  EChem in a Box contains the following:

    • WaveNowXV® Potentiostat/Galvanostat System with AfterMath® software
    • Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit
    • Electrochemical cells and accessories to complete at least four experimental laboratory exercises
    • All required cables
    • Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators (over 100 pages of prior learning concepts, electrochemical fundamentals, experimental electrochemical techniques, overview of electrochemical instruments and tools, electrochemical laboratory exercises with instructor’s resources, and more)
    • Digital copies of the electrochemical laboratory exercises – so easy you can copy/paste our content into your format!
    • Videos to complement for Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]Optional packs available include: Consumable Supply Pack, Core Products Pack, Supplemental Educator Pack, and Stirring Automation Pack.[/alert]

    Available on backorder

    Includes Free 1-Hour Training Session!
    All orders including a potentiostat include a free, 1-hour, personal training session (virtual, online) to help get you started with your new potentiostat. New customers should contact us after purchased to schedule this session.

    If you need to introduce your students to modern electroanalytical chemistry in an easy and inexpensive way, then EChem in a Box contains exactly what you need.  EChem in a Box contains everything you need to integrate a variety of experimental electrochemistry topics into your curriculum.  Never before has a more straightforward and cost effective bundle of products been commercially available to make electrochemistry accessible to even non-electrochemically experienced educators.  EChem in a Box contains the following:

    • WaveNowXV® Potentiostat/Galvanostat System with AfterMath® software
    • Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit
    • Electrochemical cells and accessories to complete at least four experimental laboratory exercises
    • All required cables
    • Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators (over 100 pages of prior learning concepts, electrochemical fundamentals, experimental electrochemical techniques, overview of electrochemical instruments and tools, electrochemical laboratory exercises with instructor’s resources, and more)
    • Digital copies of the electrochemical laboratory exercises – so easy you can copy/paste our content into your format!
    • Videos to complement for Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]Optional packs available include: Consumable Supply Pack, Core Products Pack, Supplemental Educator Pack, and Stirring Automation Pack.[/alert]

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    Sometimes you need to think inside the box.

    You spoke and we listened.  Teaching experimental electrochemistry can be a daunting challenge unless your faculty has a member who has had hands-on experience with electrochemical methods.  Despite the modern significance of electrochemistry, it may not be taught beyond simple balancing of redox reactions in general chemistry.  Or perhaps it is not as accessible as other common instrumental methods such as separations and spectroscopy.  Maybe the traditional approach to electrochemistry has left a bad taste in your mouth?  Perhaps it is just a segment of chemistry that has escaped you throughout your educational and laboratory experiences.  We have been approached by countless faculty seeking guidance on how to effectively teach experimental electrochemistry.  Educators have asked us for pedagogical wisdom, practical and timely applications, cost-effective instrumentation, and accessibility to electrochemistry for many years.  With the success of our low-cost yet highly powerful WaveNowXV® potentiostat with AfterMath® software, we have combined an array of our products and coupled them with a guide, written for educators, which contains fundamental concepts, specific electrochemical theory in an accessible manner, and practical laboratory exercises with instructor's guides.  We believe that educators with sufficient chemistry and/or engineering backgrounds will find our compilation, called EChem in a Box, an answer to the question, "How do I integrate experimental electrochemistry into our curriculum when we do not have any electrochemists available?"  EChem in a Box is the solution.

    EChem in a Box is an ideal system for educational settings.

    If you need to introduce your students to modern electroanalytical chemistry in an easy and inexpensive way, then EChem in a Box contains exactly what you need.  EChem in a Box contains everything you need to integrate a variety of experimental electrochemistry into your curriculum.  Never before has a more straightforward and cost effective bundle of products been commercially available to make electrochemistry accessible to even non-electrochemically experienced educators.  EChem in a Box contains the following:

    • WaveNowXV Potentiostat/Galvanostat System with AfterMath software
    • Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit
    • Electrochemical cells and accessories to complete at least four experimental laboratory exercises
    • All required cables
    • Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators (over 100 pages of prior learning concepts, electrochemical fundamentals, experimental electrochemical techniques, overview of electrochemical instruments and tools, electrochemical laboratory exercises with instructor's resources, and more)
    • Digital copies of the electrochemical laboratory exercises - so easy you can copy/paste our content into your format!
    • Videos to complement for Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators
    AfterMath Data Organizer Software

    Each potentiostat ships with a version of our powerful AfterMath software which users are free to install on their own computers if desired.  This means they can acquire experimental data in the laboratory and analyze the results at home.  The software allows your students to prepare high quality plots to include in their lab reports.  Measurements of peak height and peak area are a snap, and complex overlay plots can be created quickly using simple drag-and-drop actions.  And, most importantly, AfterMath helps your students keep all their experimental data together in a single, well-organized archive file rather than scattered all over one or more hard drives.

    Furthermore, purchase of EChem in a Box includes a lifetime license to AfterMath.  The license entitles you to free updates for the lifetime of the instrument.  Our talented software engineers are always adding new features, improving existing features, and adding functionality that researchers have requested.  We do not play the "more software access for more money" game, common to the instrumentation industry.

    Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit

    EChem in a Box includes our very popular Screen-Printed Electrode Cell, which is virtually student-proof.  This cell features a custom cap which allows disposable screen-printed electrodes to be quickly mounted in a disposable 20 mL vial.  With no electrodes to polish, no reference electrodes to nurse back to health, no cables to chase around the lab bench, and no glassware to clean up, your students will be able to spend less time fussing around in the lab and more time analyzing their results.  Additional accessories such as a large volume cell, purging kits, micro stir bar, and external reference electrode are also included with the standard EChem in a Box bundle.

    Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators

    EChem in a Box includes a pedagogical support guide, crafted by our electrochemists, for all educators.  The Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators book is a guide with descriptive background information to help you incorporate modern electrochemistry into your chemistry and engineering laboratory courses.  The guide assumes the educator may have little to no background in electrochemistry; thus, a brief background of fundamental concepts are included before delving into the world of electrochemistry.  The electrochemical fundamentals are presented in an easy-to-understand manner, with a lot of the granular (and often off-putting or confusing) details set aside.  Instead, our focus was to convey what we consider essential knowledge for the instructor to gain (or refresh if it has been awhile) prior to teaching experimental electrochemistry.  The guide complements EChem in a Box by including several electrochemical laboratory exercises, ready for use, as well as corresponding Instructor's Guides that contain data analysis information, tips and hints, and answers to questions.  The experiments contained in Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators are all based upon our convenient screen-printed electrodes, which are included with the standard EChem in a Box bundle.  As a busy educator and researcher, you'll be happy to know that we've done all the hard work for you so that you can painlessly implement electrochemistry into your instructional courses and laboratories.

    [call_to_action color="violet" button_text="Preview PDF" button_icon="file-pdf-o" buton_icon_position="left" button_url="https://dev-tim.pineresearch.com/devnewtheme/shop/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/04/DRU10099-Experimental-Electrochemistry-an-Introduction-for-Educators-Preview-Version.pdf"] Preview Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators, included with EChem in a Box![/call_to_action]

    Digital Media Included

    To elevate the appeal of EChem in a Box even more, the bundle includes a flash drive with digital media.  The media include Microsoft Word® versions of the electrochemical laboratory exercises.  What could be easier than copying/pasting the labs into your preferred format?  Our electrochemists vet and perform each lab thoroughly to ensure that with proper attention to detail, the instructor does not have to fret about a failed laboratory experience.  You will also receive a series of videos produced to supplement the content found in Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introduction for Educators.  In some cases, you may even find the videos useful for students to watch - perhaps even during the classroom portion of the course.

    [call_to_action color="blue" button_text="  Screen-Printed Electrodes" button_url="https://dev-tim.pineresearch.com/devnewtheme/shop/product-category/electrodes-2/screen-printed-electrodes/" button_icon="shopping-cart" buton_icon_position="left"] The Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit includes a starter set of screen-printed electrodes.  Purchase additional screen-printed electrodes any time in several available quantities. [/call_to_action]

    Product Bundles
    Bundle includes
    Electrochemical workstation, Electrochemical cell, Cables, Screen-Printed electrodes, Instructor's Guide, Educational laboratory exercises
    Bundle application
    Bundled electrochemical workstation
    WaveNow XV