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EChem in a Box – Core Products Pack

Part Number

EChem in a Box is your cost-effective, easy-to-implement, and simplified way to incorporate experimental electrochemistry into your laboratory curriculum.  The EChem in a Box Standard Bundle includes sufficient supplies to perform the experiments found in Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introductions for Educators; however, the specific arrangement of your laboratory may require additional products. Depending on the number of students in the course/section, additional core products may be necessary.  In general, each student (or group of students) will require one each of the items in the Core Products Pack to perform the laboratory exercises simultaneously.  The Core Products Pack is intended for the following:

  • Larger (greater than 10-12 student/student groups) enrollment laboratory sections
  • Increasing the number of students/student groups that can conduct the lab simultaneously
  • Use in more than one course/lab/section simultaneously
  • Replacement of worn core products
Product Bundle

This is a product bundle, meaning several compatible products are included together. View the individual bundle products in the tab below.

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EChem in a Box is your cost-effective, easy-to-implement, and simplified way to incorporate experimental electrochemistry into your laboratory curriculum.  The EChem in a Box Standard Bundle includes sufficient supplies to perform the experiments found in Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introductions for Educators; however, the specific arrangement of your laboratory may require additional products. Depending on the number of students in the course/section, additional core products may be necessary.  In general, each student (or group of students) will require one each of the items in the Core Products Pack to perform the laboratory exercises simultaneously.  The Core Products Pack is intended for the following:

  • Larger (greater than 10-12 student/student groups) enrollment laboratory sections
  • Increasing the number of students/student groups that can conduct the lab simultaneously
  • Use in more than one course/lab/section simultaneously
  • Replacement of worn core products
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Bundle Products

Sometimes you need to think inside the box.

You spoke and we listened.  Teaching experimental electrochemistry can be a daunting challenge unless your faculty has a member who has had hands-on experience with electrochemical methods.  Despite the modern significance of electrochemistry, it may not be taught beyond simple balancing of redox reactions in general chemistry.  Or perhaps it is not as accessible as other common instrumental methods such as separations and spectroscopy.  Maybe the traditional approach to electrochemistry has left a bad taste in your mouth?  Perhaps it is just a segment of chemistry that has escaped you throughout your educational and laboratory experiences.  We have been approached by countless faculty seeking guidance on how to effectively teach experimental electrochemistry.  Educators have asked us for pedagogical wisdom, practical and timely applications, cost-effective instrumentation, and accessibility to electrochemistry for many years.  With the success of our low-cost yet highly powerful WaveNow potentiostat with AfterMath software, we have combined an array of our products and coupled them with a guide, written for educators, which contains fundamental concepts, specific electrochemical theory in an accessible manner, and practical laboratory exercises with instructor's guides.  We believe that educators with sufficient chemistry and/or engineering backgrounds will find our compilation, called EChem in a Box, an answer to the question, "How do I integrate experimental electrochemistry into our curriculum when we do not have any electrochemists available?"  EChem in a Box is the solution.

EChem in a Box - Core Products Pack is sold as a product bundle. Product bundles combine multiple products into one purchase. For details or to purchase additional items, visit the product page for any item in the bundle below.
Product Name
Part #
Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit Component: Cell (Cell Only)
Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit Component: SPE Grip/Mount (Grip Only)
Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit Component: Cell Cap (Cap Only)
O-Ring, Viton, Round, Size #117
Screen-Printed Electrode Large Volume Cell
EChem in a Box – Core Products Pack is sold as a product bundle. The data below aggregates the specifications for each product contained within the bundle..
EChem in a Box – Core Products Pack
Product Bundles
Product bundle
Bundle application
Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit Component: Cell (Cell Only)
Electrochemical Cell
Cell material
Cell volume (overall, max)
20 mL
Cell water jacket
Cell diameter
2.8 cm
Cell height
6.1 cm
Cell application
Biosensing, Education, Stationary
Cell series
Cell compatibility
Screen-Printed electrode cell series
Cell features
O-Ring, Viton, Round, Size #117
O-Ring Dimensions
O-ring dash number
O-ring material
O-ring cross section shape
O-ring outer diamter (OD)
1 in
O-ring inner diamter (ID)
13/16 in
O-ring width (W)
3/32 in
Screen-Printed Electrode Large Volume Cell
Electrochemical Cell
Cell material
Cell volume (overall, max)
50 mL
Cell water jacket
Cell diameter
3.5 cm
Cell height
8.3 cm (with base)
Cell application
Biosensing, Education, Stationary
Cell series
Cell compatibility
Screen-Printed electrode cell series
Cell features