E3 Series Rotating Disk Electrode, Palladium (Pd), PTFE shroud
The E3 rotating disk electrode (RDE) tip is one of our most-popular series of RDEs. Simply screw the tip onto the shaft and you are ready to use it for rotating disk experiments. The E3 series tips are versatile because you can have many tips, of different disk and shroud materials, that interface to one RDE shaft, such as the Standard RDE shaft, compatible with the MSR Rotator family of instruments. The disk electrode is permanently sealed within the insulating shroud material. These electrodes are precision-machined and can enjoy a long life if used and cared for properly. Pine Research offers many disk materials and they are available in PTFE and PEEK shrouds.
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The E3 rotating disk electrode (RDE) tip is one of our most-popular series of RDEs. Simply screw the tip onto the shaft and you are ready to use it for rotating disk experiments. The E3 series tips are versatile because you can have many tips, of different disk and shroud materials, that interface to one RDE shaft, such as the Standard RDE shaft, compatible with the MSR Rotator family of instruments. The disk electrode is permanently sealed within the insulating shroud material. These electrodes are precision-machined and can enjoy a long life if used and cared for properly. Pine Research offers many disk materials and they are available in PTFE and PEEK shrouds.