Cuvette Cover
The Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemistry Cuvette Cover is designed to fit over the cuvette holder in our integrated spectroelectrochemistry bundles. The cuvette cover has a 1 inch hole that fits over the quartz cuvette with the honeycomb cap and electrodes. The cell cable easily connects to the honeycomb electrode while minimizing stray light exposure. The cuvette cover has two openings for light to pass through the honeycomb electrode through fiber optic cables. The cuvette cover is 3D printed out of nylon.
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The Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemistry Cuvette Cover is designed to fit over the cuvette holder in our integrated spectroelectrochemistry bundles. The cuvette cover has a 1 inch hole that fits over the quartz cuvette with the honeycomb cap and electrodes. The cell cable easily connects to the honeycomb electrode while minimizing stray light exposure. The cuvette cover has two openings for light to pass through the honeycomb electrode through fiber optic cables. The cuvette cover is 3D printed out of nylon.