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Counter Electrode, Platinum (Pt), LowProfile

Part Number

This LowProfile Platinum Counter Electrode features a 7 mm OD epoxy handle, which terminates with a coil of 0.5 mm Platinum wire (approximate surface area = 0.58 cm²). This counter electrode is ideally designed for use with our Low Volume electrochemical cells.

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This LowProfile Platinum Counter Electrode features a 7 mm OD epoxy handle, which terminates with a coil of 0.5 mm Platinum wire (approximate surface area = 0.58 cm²). This counter electrode is ideally designed for use with our Low Volume electrochemical cells.

Fragile Material Warning

Platinum wire is fragile. While it can be formed into a shape, repeated bending will cause the wire to break. In almost all cases, this is irreversible and cannot be repaired. Do not bend platinum wire.

Compatibility Notice

Some non-aqueous solvents, such as methylene chloride (DCM) and/or dimethylformamide (DMF), may cause damage, leakage, or swelling to the epoxy tube body of this electrode. We recommend avoiding contact between such solvents and the epoxy body. The Pt coils have no chemical compatibility concerns.

When possible, we add published articles, theses and dissertations, and books to our references library. When we know this product has been used, we will include it in this list below. If you have a reference where our product was used and it's not in this list, please contact us with the details and we will add it.
  1. Esrafilzadeh et al. Room temperature CO2 reduction to solid carbon species on liquid metals featuring atomically thin ceria interfaces. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 865.
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Material Group
Material Name
Elemental Metals
Platinum (Pt)