Computer-Controlled Bipotentiostat
This product has been discontinued and can no longer be purchased. The product remains on our website for reference and a listing of its specifications. We suggest purchasing the replacement product, WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation.
The AFCBP1 bipotentiostat is a general purpose electrochemical instrument with a built-in analog voltage Sweep Generator. It can function as a traditional potentiostat or galvanostat using three electrodes (working, reference, and counter electrodes), and it may also independently control an additional (second) working electrode. While this “bi”-potentiostat feature was originally designed for use in classic ring-disk electrode voltammetry, the instrument has also found use in many other dual working electrode techniques.
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The AFCBP1 bipotentiostat is a general purpose electrochemical instrument with a built-in analog voltage Sweep Generator. It can function as a traditional potentiostat or galvanostat using three electrodes (working, reference, and counter electrodes), and it may also independently control an additional (second) working electrode. While this “bi”-potentiostat feature was originally designed for use in classic ring-disk electrode voltammetry, the instrument has also found use in many other dual working electrode techniques.