by Tim Paschkewitz | Aug 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
The theme of the meeting is Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy. As electrochemists, we often view the currency of the planet as energy. Solutions to the woes of energy extraction and storage often arise from electrochemical science. At Pine Research,...
by Tim Paschkewitz | May 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Since we saw you last in Hawaii, Pine Research has been very busy developing new products, improving our website, welcoming Dr. Reducks’ Post-Duck to the family, and as always, working hard to be the trusted source for electrochemical instrumentation you have...
by Tim Paschkewitz | Apr 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
See EChem in a Box in person! Stop by booth #1424 at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, CA April 2 – 4, 2017 You spoke and we listened. Teaching experimental electrochemistry can be a daunting challenge unless your faculty has a member who has had...
by Tim Paschkewitz | Dec 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
Dr. Reducks has written a lovely poem to share with you (the Post-Duck may have helped a bit). Watch the video and then wander over to the store, where you will find to up 20% off regular prices on most items when online orders are placed between NOW and 31 December...
by Tim Paschkewitz | Sep 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
Before you catch that surf, drink out of that coconut, bronze that body, or laze at the luau, stop by the Pine Research Booth at the ECS PRiME exhibition! Visit with Marion, Li, and Neil at the booth. Say hello, inquire about instrumentation, and update us on your...