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    WaveNow User: Template

    [call_to_action color = “blue”] This article is part of the Pine WaveNow USB Potentiostat User's Guide[/call_to_action] [toggle title = “FirstHeading”] [/toggle]

    WaveNow User: Universal Cable

    The Universal Cell Connector is described on this commercial web page: https://devnewtheme.pineresearch.com/shop/products/cables-and-connectors-2/cell-cables/wavenow-potentiostat-universal-cell-cable/

    WaveNow: User Cable

    [call_to_action color = “blue”] Note: This is one of many articles describing how to use the Pine WaveNow USB Potentiostat[/call_to_action] [toggle title = “FirstHeading”] [/toggle]

    WaveNow User: Cell Port

    [call_to_action color = “blue”] This article is part of the Pine WaveNow USB Potentiostat User's Guide[/call_to_action] [toggle title = “Cell Port”] The WaveNow USB Potentiostat is connected to an external electrochemical cell through a...

    WaveNow User: Dummy Cell

    [call_to_action color = “blue”] This article is part of the Pine WaveNow USB Potentiostat User's Guide[/call_to_action] [toggle title = “Dummy Cell Description”] A dummy cell is a simple circuit consisting of a few resistors and capacitors...