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    Banana Connector

    Banana connectors are commonly used to make simple and quick connections between scientific instruments. Patch cables terminated with banana plugs (male) fit into banana jacks (female) on instrument panels. The conductive metal portion of the banana plug is about an...

    Windows: Control Panel

    Many of the more advanced controls for your personal computer are located on the Windows Control Panel. The location and appearance of the Windows Control panel often changes which each release of the Windows Operating System. This article describes how to find the...

    Windows: Device Manager

    The Windows Device Manager allows you to visualize the status of all the various hardware components of your personal computer or laptop. The Device Manager maintains a list of all active hardware devices, sorted by category. [toggle title = “Locating the Device...

    Windows: Updates

    These days, your personal computer's operating system is in a constant state of flux. Patches, security fixes, and enhanced features are added to the operating system frequently. To keep your system up to date and secure, it is a good idea to periodically run the...