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Using Certified Wireless USB with Pine Potentiostats

[alert color = “violet”] Document ID: LMTPCWUSB (REV 1) 17-FEB-2009 [/alert] This document describes how to use a certified wireless USB hub in conjunction with the WaveNow and WaveNano USB Potentiostats offered by Pine Research Instrumentation. Note that...

WaveNow & WaveNano Potentiostats: Read This First

[alert color = “violet”] Document ID: LMTPFIRST (REV 1) 03-APR-2009 [/alert] This document provides links to important information about how to set up your WaveNow or WaveNano USB Potentiostat. [toggle title = “Documentation”] All documentation...

WaveDriver 20 Bipotentiostat: Read This First

[alert color = “violet”] Document ID: LMWD20FIRST (REV 002) 12-OCT-2012 [/alert] This document provides links to important information about how to set up your WaveDriver 10 Potentiostat or WaveDriver 20 Bipotentiostat. [toggle title =...

Pine Research Instrumentation Electrode Documentation

This page contains useful links to documentation for many of the electrode offered by Pine Research Instrumentation. Some of these documents are maintained on Pine's commercial web site, while others are maintained in whole or in part on this website. Working...

Device Driver for Avantes AvaSpec Spectrometers

A USB device driver must be installed on Microsoft Windows computers in order to use Avantes AvaSpec spectrometers. This device driver software is a product supplied by Avantes BV. [call_to_action color = “green” button_text = “Driver Installer...