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WaveNow User: Introduction

[call_to_action color = “blue”] This article is part of the Pine WaveNow USB Potentiostat User's Guide[/call_to_action] Scope of this Guide This User's Guide describes the basic functions of the WaveNow USB Potentiostat, including product...


[call_to_action color = “blue”] This article is part of the Pine WaveNow USB Potentiostat User's Guide[/call_to_action] [toggle title = “Cable Kit Description”] The most generic cell cable kit available for the WaveNow Potentiostat (part...


[call_to_action color = “blue”] This article is part of the Pine WaveNow USB Potentiostat User's Guide[/call_to_action] [toggle title = “Cable Kit Description”] This kit (Pine part number AKCABLE5) provides a generic cell cable which is...

WaveDriver Potentiostat: Limited Warranty PINE RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION LIMITED WARRANTY The WaveDriver 10 or WaveDriver 20 Potentiostat (hereafter referred to as the “INSTRUMENT”) offered by Pine Research Instrumentation (hereafter referred to as...