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    Aditya Gupta
    Business Details
    Software Engineer
    Software Engineering
    Direct Call:
    +1 (919) 782-8320 Extension 1508
    Message: Contact Aditya Gupta
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    Aditya's Specialities
    Applications: electrophysiology, image analysis, numerical analysis, signal processing
    Products: AfterMath Live, AfterMath Software, WaveDriver 100, WaveDriver 200
    About Aditya
    Started with Pine Research:
    March, 2016
    Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from University of Central Florida
    Aditya's Biography:
    Currently working as a numerical analysis software developer at Pine Research Instrumentation. My work focuses on developing optimization, curve fitting and signal processing algorithms for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Development of algorithms in Visual Studio C++. Previously worked as a post doctoral researcher at Neuro-Imaging Research and Analysis lab, UNC (www.niral.unc.edu). Main project on Diffusion tensor imaging - MRI for the analysis of diseases such as Krabbe, Turner's syndrome, MLD, ALD, etc. Graduated with a Ph D in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Central Florida in December 2007. My dissertation involved research on the development of MRI compatible ECG devices. I developed a standalone GUI system (based on the aorta - thorax model, magnetofluid dynamic equations, volumetric potentials, etc) for MRI compatible ECG monitors to assist doctors better diagnose patients while in the MRI. I also worked on the development of a continuous non-invasive blood pressure simulator for the cardiology department in a hospital in NY.