Standard to LowProfile Reference Electrode Adapter
This adapter allows a standard size reference electrode (9.5 mm OD) to be used with the LowProfile and Low Volume cells and accessories. Porous glass frits can be added to the bottom of this adapter but do not come pre-installed because the added heat shrink tubing can be difficult to fit through 3.5 mm OD holes in Low Volume accessories. Therefore, it is suggested to insert this adapter into the 3.5 mm OD hole, then apply the glass frit before each usage. The frits may need to be removed between tests to remove the adapter. Additional replacement frits may be required.
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This adapter allows a standard size reference electrode (9.5 mm OD) to be used with the LowProfile and Low Volume cells and accessories. Porous glass frits can be added to the bottom of this adapter but do not come pre-installed because the added heat shrink tubing can be difficult to fit through 3.5 mm OD holes in Low Volume accessories. Therefore, it is suggested to insert this adapter into the 3.5 mm OD hole, then apply the glass frit before each usage. The frits may need to be removed between tests to remove the adapter. Additional replacement frits may be required.