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Dual Port Gas Inlet Accessory, Longer Reach, 14/20 Taper

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Used for degassing or bubbling gas into an electrochemical cell, and this accessory is specifically designed for the Devanathan-Stachurski Hydrogen Permeation Cell Kit cell due its taller half cells. Dual port inlet accessory mounts in 14/20 taper port. Length is 4 cm longer than standard dual port gas inlet (Dual Port Gas Inlet Accessory, 14/20 Taper).

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Used for degassing or bubbling gas into an electrochemical cell, and this accessory is specifically designed for the Devanathan-Stachurski Hydrogen Permeation Cell Kit cell due its taller half cells. Dual port inlet accessory mounts in 14/20 taper port. Length is 4 cm longer than standard dual port gas inlet (Dual Port Gas Inlet Accessory, 14/20 Taper).