Customers can download software on this page, including AfterMath Electrochemical Studio, device drivers, and support software like runtime libraries. In most cases, the content on this page is sent to you on a USB flash drive contained with the instrument; however, if you misplace the flash drive or otherwise wish to change your versions of software, we provide options below.
Pine Research develops, publishes, and maintains AfterMath software. In 2024, Pine Research released AfterMath Blue, which is the next evoluation of our classic AfterMath Electrochemical Studio software. This software is the interface between the computer and the connected potentiostat. Beyond instrument control, AfterMath has been designed to better organize your data into archives. Instead of the old-school 1:1 design (1 experiment generates 1 file), AfterMath archives enable you to collect a series of experiments into one file. With this design, it’s possible to make sharable templates, organize all data by time period (e.g., day), as well as seamlessly create overlaid plots and more within a single file. We routinely release updates to AfterMath and make archival versions available here along with the most current public and beta releases.
There are some important considerations to understand before updating AfterMath to AfterMath Blue (64-bit). Please read the Upgrading and Installing AfterMath Blue article before installing this version of the software. Contact Us with any questions.
Drivers are libraries that enable communication between hardware, like potentiostats, and the software running on the connected computer. All USB-interfaced potentiostats use the same driver.
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To use AfterMath Electrochemical Studio on your Windows PC, you must have additional libraries/prerequisite software installed. Often, these are already on your computer. They are included in the USB flash drive you received with the purchase of your instrument, but there may be times when you need to manually install this (for example, you have lost the USB flash drive and are installing AfterMath on a new computer, to use with your Pine Research potentiostat).