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    Malli Adapter

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    For compatibility with the ultra-flexible Pine Research Headstage Cable design, the Malli Adapter accepts the Pine Research headstage amplifer, and maps the working electrode to the central pin of the BNC connector and the reference electrode to receptacles.  Two receptacles for reference electrode are provided.  Users may utilize 2 mm patch cable connections (to which an alligator clip can be connected for simple connection to reference electrode lead) or in the case where PCB pins are used, a port which accepts between 0.037″ and 0.043″ diameter pins can also be used.  Connected to the Malli Adapter is a standard stainless steel rod, which is 7.9 mm OD and 10.2 cm long and has a left-handed 8-32 threading at the open end.  Therefore, the Malli Adapter is directly compatible with commercial stereotax equipment.

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]The Malli Adapter is an optional method to connect working and reference electrodes to the Pine Research headstage.  Some users may prefer wire based connections instead, and should use the microelectrode-to-headstage connectors.[/alert]

    For compatibility with the ultra-flexible Pine Research Headstage Cable design, the Malli Adapter accepts the Pine Research headstage amplifer, and maps the working electrode to the central pin of the BNC connector and the reference electrode to receptacles.  Two receptacles for reference electrode are provided.  Users may utilize 2 mm patch cable connections (to which an alligator clip can be connected for simple connection to reference electrode lead) or in the case where PCB pins are used, a port which accepts between 0.037″ and 0.043″ diameter pins can also be used.  Connected to the Malli Adapter is a standard stainless steel rod, which is 7.9 mm OD and 10.2 cm long and has a left-handed 8-32 threading at the open end.  Therefore, the Malli Adapter is directly compatible with commercial stereotax equipment.

    [alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]The Malli Adapter is an optional method to connect working and reference electrodes to the Pine Research headstage.  Some users may prefer wire based connections instead, and should use the microelectrode-to-headstage connectors.[/alert]

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    More Detail

    The Malli Adapter, named for Dr. Malli Ganesana (University of Virginia) who inspired the product, allows users to connect their microelectrode to the headstage amplifier using traditionally available BNC-type microelectrode holders.  Such microelectrode holders are commercially available from several companies (WPI, Warner, A-M Systems, Dagan, Heka, etc.) and are typically machined polymer holders that connect the male pin of a BNC type connector to a silver wire, which is placed inside the glass capillary holding the carbon fiber microelectrode.  Labs often fill the capillary tube with KCl for conductivity prior to installing into the holder.  For compatibility with the ultra-flexible Pine Research Headstage Cable design, the Malli Adapter accepts the Pine Research headstage amplifer, and maps the working electrode to the central pin of the BNC connector and the reference electrode to receptacles.  Two receptacles for reference electrode are provided.  Users may utilize 2 mm patch cable connections (to which an alligator clip can be connected for simple connection to reference electrode lead) or in the case where PCB pins are used, a port which accepts between 0.037" and 0.043" diameter pins can also be used.  Connected to the Malli Adapter is a standard stainless steel rod, which is 7.9 mm OD and 10.2 cm long and has a left-handed 8-32 threading at the open end.  Therefore, the Malli Adapter is directly compatible with commercial stereotax equipment.

    The Pine Research Headstage Cable Kits were primarily designed with freely-moving experiments in mind, thus the standards kits include microelectrode-to-headstage connectors (wires) instead for ease of use and implantation in freely-moving experiments.  These wires are quite useful for in-vitro flow cell and slice preparations as well.  In either case, Pine Research has the solution.