ING-JING PRECISE INDUSTRIAL CORP. is a competent sales agency of measuring instruments for well-known manufacturers in Europe, USA and Japan. In addition, we provide both the expertise and the most advanced measurement techniques in the world.
Our equipment is sold mainly to national research institutions, public and private universities and colleges, non-profit corporations such as Industrial Technology Research Institute, battery manufacturers, panel plants and local certification and inspection agencies and so on.
殷敬精密工業有限公司為專業銷售歐美日知名大廠之量測設備代理商,同時兼具提供專業知識與世界接軌的先進量測技術。 其設備廣泛銷售於國家級研究機關、公私立大學院校、工研院等財團法人機構和電池製造廠,面板廠、國內知名檢驗認證公司等用戶。