Murray Hall G205
Lecture 1: Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
Introduction to electrochemistry, Nernst equation, electrochemical cell, electrodes, etc
Murray Hall G205
Lecture 2: Practical Aspects of Electrochemistry
Practical Aspects of electrochemistry involve common pitfalls as well as performing things like polishing working electrodes, maintaining reference electrodes, degassing solutions, and determining whether there is contamination.
Murray Hall G205 & Morehead 304
AfterMath Tutorial and Safety Orientation
Alex Peroff will provide a brief tutorial on using AfterMath software prior to the lab. Kathleen Nevins will give a general safety lecture in the lab
Morehead 304
Laboratory 1: Cyclic Voltammetry of Ferrocene
Day 1 concludes: Homework: Review content from Day 1
Murray Hall G205
In-class data workup: Analyze data from Laboratory 1
Murray Hall G205
Lecture 3: Potentiostat Basics & iR Compensation
Alex will present on how a potentiostat works and iR compensation. Topics include operational amplifier, feedback loops, potentiostat operation during CV experiment, iR compensation, positive feedback for iR compensation to work, and how the CV's changes with and without iR compensation.
Morehead 304
Laboratory 2: Electrochemistry troubleshooting stations
Students rotate between 6 troubleshooting stations
Working electrode
Counter electrode
Reference electrode
iR compensation
Current range
Potential window
Murray Hall G205
Lecture 4: Electrochemical and Chemical Reversibility/Coupled Reactions
Lecture of chemical reversibility and coupled chemical reactions. Preparation for lab 3 tomorrow morning
Murray Hall G205
Lecture 5: Introduction to Cyclic Voltammetry Simulations
Alex goes over using AfterMath Live cyclic voltammetry simulation software and a little about the parameters you can adjust in simulation.
Day 2 concludes: Homework: Prepare for laboratory 3
Morehead 304
Laboratory 3: Coupled Chemical Reactions
Murray G205
In-class data workup & one-on-one sessions with UNC and Pine Instructors
Analyze data from Lab 3
Murray G205
Flash presentations and feedback