Metal Coupon Corrosion Cell Kit

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Our large, 1 liter cell is designed for corrosion experiments and meets the requirements for many ASTM corrosion specifications.  The cell features a large 40/35 center neck opening which can accept a variety of metal corrosion sample mounts. The central sample holder accepts up to three 5-40 inner-threaded metal coupons for analysis.  A water jacket allows thermal control of cell contents.

[alert color=”blue” icon=”info-circle”]This corrosion cell includes a reference electrode with Luggin tube, graphite counter electrode with isolation tube, digital thermometer with thermowell, dual gas inlet for purging/blanketing cell solution, and a condenser tube.[/alert]

Our large volume cell is designed for corrosion experiments and meets the requirements for many ASTM corrosion specifications.  The cell features a large 40/35 center neck opening which can accept a variety of metal corrosion sample mounts. A water jacket allows thermal control of cell contents.  Standard equipment shipped with each cell includes a reference electrode with Luggin tube, graphite counter electrode with isolation tube, digital thermometer with Thermowell, dual gas inlet for purging/blanketing cell solution, and a condenser tube. [call_to_action color="blue" button_text="Contact Us" button_url=""] Don't see exactly what you want? Pine Research is pleased to customize a glass cell to meet your specific needs. Contact us for more information. [/call_to_action]
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