Single Junction Mercury Oxide Reference Electrode

Part Number

The standard single junction mercury oxide (Hg/HgO) reference electrode is filled with 4.24M KOH solution.  The body of this reference electrode is composed of PTFE, polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene (PE) and contains no glass, making it ideal for use in alkaline electrochemical systems.  This reference electrode is well-suited for use in our alkaline resistant cell kits.

Warning: Product Contains Mercury
To function properly, this electrode necessarily contains a small amount of mercury. The maximum amount of mercury in this electrode is 1.8 grams. Use proper personal protective equipment during use. Store safely. Follow all environmental waste protocols and procedures.
Info: Select Product Availability
This product is not available in all countries. Air transit may be prohibited.
Compatibility Notice
Avoid using this reference electrode with the following: acids, cations that will form insoluble hydroxides, and non-aqueous/organic solvents
Thermal Stability Range: 10°C - 100°C
Electrode damage may occur at temperatures beyond recommended range.
Reference Electrodes
Body diameter
Body material
Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Electrode length
External fill solution
Frit material
Reference chemistry
Standard potential
Typical input impedance
< 10 kΩ
Typical Variance
±3 - 5 mV
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