Gold Disk Insert

Part Number

Gold Disk Insert
(5.0 mm OD, 4.0 mm thick, mirror polished, 99.99%)

When possible, we add published articles, theses and dissertations, and books to our references library. When we know this product has been used, we will include it in this list below. If you have a reference where our product was used and it's not in this list, please contact us with the details and we will add it.
  1. Goyal et al. Competition between CO2 Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution on a Gold Electrode under Well-Defined Mass Transport Conditions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 4154-4161.
  2. Strobl et al. Solution phase superoxide as an intermediate in the oxygen reduction reaction on glassy carbon in alkaline media. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 335, 135432.
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