E8R4 Series RRDE Tip – Glassy Carbon Disk, Platinum Ring

Part Number

The E8R4 Series Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE) tip is a customer favorite – often used for electrocatalyst-based research such as oxygen reduction reaction experiments, for example. This high quality, precision RRDE tip is Fixed Disk style, which means the glassy carbon disk electrode is fixed in position and cannot be removed or changed. The platinum ring electrode is permanently fixed into position and cannot be removed. The RRDE tip has a PEEK shroud, which has a thermal stability range of 10°C – 80°C. This tip threads into compatible shafts and is not designed to be used by itself. Many other configurations of RRDE tips are available.

Chemical Compatibility Caution Notice
PEEK dissolves with long exposure to concentrated acids.
Thermal Stability Range: 10°C - 80°C
Electrode damage may occur at temperatures beyond recommended range.
Document #
Electrode Compatibility And Application Overview
Electrode Shrouds Overview
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