E8 Fixed-Disk HE RRDE Tips PEEK

Part Number

MAXIMUM ROTATION RATE: 3000 RPM — Never exceed maximum rotation rate when working with rotating electrodes.

This series of RRDE tips may be used with the WaveVortex 10, MSR, and ASR electrode rotators.

The brand new E8 series high efficiency (HE) electrodes from Pine Research are the perfect solution to all your RRDE research needs:

Ideal for Thin Films: These RRDE tips feature a fixed PTFE separator between the disk and ring that facilitates drop casting of thin films.  The PTFE separator is more hydrophobic than PEEK and is more effective at preventing water droplets from spreading off the disk and onto the shroud.

Highest RRDE Tip Collection Efficiency: The E8 series RRDE tips contain an ultra-thick ring, giving it the highest theoretical collection efficiency among commercially-available RRDE tips – 43.9%!

High Temperature Stability: Even with the PTFE separator, this RRDE tip contains a robust PEEK shroud that is ideal for applications where the RRDE tip undergoes routine thermal cycling.

  • Disk OD = 5.0 mm; Ring OD = 8.50 mm; Ring ID = 6.00 mm
  • Fixed-Disk RRDE tip; PTFE ring-disk separator; 15.0 mm OD PEEK shroud
  • Compatible with the WaveVortex 10, MSR and ASR rotators

See “Description” tab below for additional precautions and information.

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